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Express AM 8 (14.0°W) - TV

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14.0°W Express AM 8 40895 31 31 13.98°W 0.02° 0.02° N/A N/A 2024-08-29 23:13

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29 record(s) - Sorted by country - Most recent updates: 2024-08-29 23:13 CET

Pos Satellite Frequence Pol Txp Beam Standard Modulation SR/FEC Network, bitrate NID TID
14.0°W 14Express AM 8 3675.00R6GlobalDVB-S28PSK35395 3/53 kb/s 437190 KingOfSat charts update form
RT HD eng RSCC Clear 1 201 301 eng
331 eng 
101  201    2023-12-24
RT DOC HD eng RSCC Clear 2 202 302 eng
332 eng 
102  202    2023-12-24
RT DOC HD rus RSCC Clear 3 203 303
103  203  403  2023-12-24
Pervyi Kanal Europe RSCC Clear 4 204 304  104  204    2023-12-24
RTR Planeta RSCC Clear 5 205 305  105  205  405  2023-12-24
Rossiya-24 RSCC Clear 6 206 306  106  206    2023-12-24
NTV MIR RSCC Clear 7 207 307  107  207  407  2023-12-24
TNT RSCC Clear 8 208 308  108  208  408  2023-12-24
STS RSCC Clear 9 209 309  109  209  409  2023-12-24
MUZ-TV RSCC Clear 11 211 311  111  211    2023-12-24
Karusel RSCC Clear 12 212 312  112  212  412  2023-12-24
Pobeda RSCC Clear 13 213 313  113  213    2023-12-24
Dom Kino 4 RSCC Clear 14 214 314  114  214    2023-12-24
14.0°W 1Express AM 8 10974.00HB1Ku-1DVB-SQPSK2963 3/44.1 Mb/s 655351 KingOfSat charts update form

Al Manar TV Lebanon General Al Manar Clear 1 313 314 ara  32  313    2022-07-03 +
14.0°W 1Express AM 8 11456.00HD1Ku-2DVB-SQPSK3000 3/44.1 Mb/s 655351 KingOfSat charts update form

Al Manar TV Lebanon General Al Manar Clear 1 308 256 ara  32  8190    2016-09-26 +
14.0°W 3Express AM 8 3629.00R5GlobalDVB-S2QPSK10900 1/2NAN b/s 119 KingOfSat charts update form
Perviy Kanal Europa Russia General Clear 3 203 303 rus  103  203    2023-12-17 +
14.0°W 3Express AM 8 11541.00HD5Ku-2DVB-S2QPSK8262 3/412.3 Mb/s 1300 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
RT Arabic Russia News Clear 4 61 62 ara  780  61    2023-08-25 +
14.0°W 3Express AM 8 3629.00R5GlobalDVB-S2QPSK10900 1/2NAN b/s 119 KingOfSat charts update form
RT Español Russia News Clear 2 202 302 esp  102  202    2023-12-17 +
14.0°W 3Express AM 8 11541.00HD5Ku-2DVB-S2QPSK8262 3/412.3 Mb/s 1300 KingOfSat charts update form
RT France Russia News Clear 5 63 64 fra  880  63    2023-08-25 +
14.0°W 1Express AM 8 11485.00HD1Ku-2DVB-S2QPSK3525 3/5NTV+, 4.2 Mb/s 117 KingOfSat charts update form
RTR Planeta Russia General RSCC Clear 1 200 300 rus  100  200  400  2022-06-30 +
14.0°W 3Express AM 8 3629.00R5GlobalDVB-S2QPSK10900 1/2NAN b/s 119 KingOfSat charts update form

Russia Today Russia News Clear 1 201 301 eng  101  201    2023-12-26 +
14.0°W 3Express AM 8 11541.00HD5Ku-2DVB-S2QPSK8262 3/412.3 Mb/s 1300 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated

Russia Today Russia News Clear 2 481 482 eng  580  481    2023-08-25 +
14.0°W 14Express AM 8 3675.00R6GlobalDVB-S28PSK35395 3/53 kb/s 437190 KingOfSat charts update form
Telekanal Zvezda Russia General RSCC Clear 10 210 310  110  210  410  2023-12-24 +
14.0°W 6Express AM 8 11689.00HD11Fixed 1DVB-SQPSK12110 3/416.7 Mb/s 655351 KingOfSat charts update form
Sakaker Kids Syria Children Service Provider Clear 6 310 260 eng
261 eng 
34  311    2024-01-17 +
Syria 1 Syria General Service Provider Clear 3 308 258 ara  35  8190    2024-01-17 +
Syria Drama 24 Syria Series Service Provider Clear 5 270 280 ara  290  270    2024-01-17 +
Syria News Syria News Service Provider Clear 4 1025 1045
33  1025    2024-01-17 +
Syria Satellite Channel Syria General TandbergTV Clear 1 88 256 ara
32  88    2024-01-17 +
Syria Sport 24 Syria Sport Service Provider Clear 2 100 110 ara  3922  8187    2024-01-17 +

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